Sunday 25 March 2012

Pinterest - more than just pretty pictures

I am by no means a wiz on the computer, I much prefer to be decorating beautiful spaces.  However, I do recognise the importance of putting myself out there on the world wide web and have tried my best so far to spread the word about my passion for Interior Design.

Until recently there was one site that I was missing out on and if you don't already know about it, I'm here to tell you that  Pinterest is currently where it's at and I've joined!

Pinterest is an on line pinboard site that is currently getting a lot of traffic. After reading this article from my favourite blogger, Maria Killam, I decided that it was useless for me to deny it any longer. 

Pinterest is also a great place to show off your own work.  My office design doubles as a guest room.

Adding pinboards that I can show to client's when suggesting types of decor styles, finishes, fabric patterns, organising ideas and more will prove to be a great visual tool that could save a lot of time.

My Pinterest boards so far are categorised as the following:

My Work
Colour Schemes
Window Treatments
Seasons & Colour
Kitchens to Die For
Upcycled Furniture 

One of my favourite repins on my 'Upcycled Furniture' board

If you're looking for even more great ideas for your home's delicious decor, I invite you to follow me by clicking on the 'follow me on pinterest' button on the homepage of my website.   I will continue to add more pinboards with lots of pretty pictures that are sure to get your creative juices flowing! 

This living room is categorised under my 'Inspriational' board.

Boards coming in the near future include: Lighting; Creating Contrast; Patterns with Punch; Furniture Styles; Event Decorating & Aberfoyle Antique Market. I look forward to more pinning and providing you with fantastic ideas that I find throughout my searches.

Thanks again to everyone who supports and 'follows' me.  I hope you enjoy reading my posts and seeing what I get up to as much as I love doing it all. 

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